Alsip Home & Nursery is your pond supplies headquarters and carries everything you need to create and maintain a dazzling pond. With our help, you'll have a serene sanctuary to enhance your exterior landscape! Our newly expanded pond department offers everything you'll need to open your pond and keep it going all season long!
PondCare AlgaeFix - 1 gallon
PondCare AlgaeFix - 1 gallon

PondCare AlgaeFix - 1 gallon


PondCare® AlgaeFix® - 1 gallon

Effectively controls many types of green or green water algae, string or hair algae and blanketweed in ponds that contain live plants. Keeps ornamental ponds and water gardens clean & clear. Controls existing algae and helps resolve additional algae blooms. Can be used in ponds with plants! Treats 38,000 gallons.